Prayer to defeat the Spirit Spouse(Incubus, Succubus (Part 1)

The first step in the deliverance process from a spirit spouse 

 is to be deliberate about praying a prayer of repentance.

Pray like this.

Lord Jesus today I repent of the sin of idolatry practiced by me through my ancestors.

I ask you to forgive me and my generational line for making covenants with demons through the worship of graven images. Please forgive me for the ancestral sin of depending on evil spirits through witch doctors soothsayers, tarot card readers and sangomas for direction and solutions to my problems.

Today I renounce this sin and ask that you will reveal all hidden idolatry within me, whether it be self-dependence, depending on other humans and or people pleasing. Please forgive me and my children and all future generations. According to your word in 1john 1;9

I receive your forgiveness now in Jesus name.

 Lord Jesus today I come before you to repent of all of my sexual sin as well as all generational sexual sin of, masturbation, entertaining and enjoying spirit husband/ wife visits, fornication, adultery, molestation of children, rape, petting, flirting and or kissing outside of marriage, homosexuality, lesbianisim and all forms of sexual impurity and perversion that may have been practiced by me or my ancestors and or my spouse and their ancestors (if married). I renounce these sins and recieve your cleansing and forgiveness through your blood.

I call up all the demons associated with all the above mentioned sins and cast them out of my body, soul, emotions, my enviroment, children and home. I renounce them forever and command them to leave now and go to the pit of hell never to return to me or any of my descendants ever again in Jesus name.

 I stand on the word of God in Isaiah 54:5 which states that I am married to my maker Jesus Christ.

You demon claiming me as you spouse, I renounce you and cast you out of my life in Jesus’ name.

According to Colossians 1: 13 I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness where the spirit spouse (incubus or succubus) resides, and I now belong to Jesus’s Christ Kingdom therefore I cast you spirit spouse out of my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.

I declare that according to Revelations 5:9 I have been purchased back by the blood of Jesus Christ from very spirit spouse (incubus or succubus). Therefore, I nullify every bride prize paid on my behalf by the spirit claiming me as its spouse through ancestral covenants or my own sin or my spouses’s sin (If you are married) in Jesus’ name.

I break every generational pact and covenant made with any demon claiming me as its spouse and I declare that according to Isaiah 49:25 I am completely set free from the stipulations that entered my life and destiny from these covenants or pacts in Jesus’ name.

 Dear Holy spirit take over my body spirit and soul according to 1st Corinthians 6:19, my body my sexual organs and my sleep time and my mind belong to you. I bind the demon claiming me as its spouse and I LOOSE, my body my sexual organs and my sleep time and my mind from its control and dominion in Jesus’ name.

Dear Holy spirit you are my helper and my friend please give me the revelation of the 7 keys which I have through Christ Jesus which are your LOVE, JOY, WORSHIP, GRACE, WARFARE, FAITH and FREEDOM so that I can use them to pull down all strongholds and close all doors in my life which have been opened to the spirit claiming as it’s spouse.

 Today I release myself to be happily married to an earthly spouse which represents my relationship with Christ as his bride according to Ephesians 5:25 in Jesus’ name.


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